All posts by admin

Want to get outshine and Boost eCommerce Conversions? Check out the steps!
If you are an entrepreneur and running an online store, you keep on trying to boost your regular eCommerce sales and it’s obvious. Even though more and more people are purchasing online, most eCommerce checkout procedures are very tough to navigate through and have extremely high rate of abandonment. Having a good product does not […]

Digital Marketing Company – Help to Leverage the Best From Latest Technology
Marketing is evolving continuously. There is no denying that the world is swiftly changing from analogue to digitalization. Individuals are gaining more and more digitalized content on a regular basis with smart phones, laptops, desktop PCs at work & many more. Organizations which have not accepted this in their marketing strategies yet, need to adapt […]

Google Android N 7.0 – Features, Logo, Name, First Official Wallpaper, Release Date and Everything
Google has already started previewing the next upgrade of Android OS and planning to do something different current year. Google make everyone surprise with the off-the-cuff publication of Android N Developer Preview on 9 March. The first look usually takes place at Google I/O which is planned on 18th May this year. It comprises new […]

iOS 9.3 Beta 6 – Getting More Polished With iPhone & iPad
The 6th iOS 9.3 beta, build 13E5231a is available now. Apple’s next awaited major update iOS 9.3 appears with the number of WOW features as well as minor tweaks for the iPhone, iPad as well as iPod Touch. Rumors in the market suggest that this could be the last beta release of iOS 9 before the […]

Trends for 2016 That Going To Rule Email Marketing
Email marketing is getting pretty much attention in many companies and always stays in the one of the top technique of all other digital marketing techniques today. So the cutting-edge email marketing trends are significant in this competitive tech industry. Not only email marketing strategies getting more innovative, but what customers need from an email […]

MongoDB NoSQL – Top Database Solution for Improved Data Management
Today’s techie world of application demands rich and dynamic data structure, quick response time as well as easy scaling to coordinate the ever changing business and customers’ needs. When it comes to select database software for your project, there are varieties of choices for you. Database is term utilized to describe an organized collection of data […]

Google’s ‘GO’ Programming Language – Making a Storm in the Development Arena
Getting hands on the very own coding languages is becoming credential for the today’s techies. Programming languages are how individual talk with the computers. If you take a look on the history of different coding languages, many of those were designed for their own authors to get the best out of it. Microsoft has its […]

Wireframes, Online Mockup & UI Prototyping Tools – All you need for the success of your website
Website is measured as a Window to the world of Internet. Building a website is the best thing that you can do now days for your business growth and it helps in Understanding your targeted audience as well. It performs as an interface where information and data is exchanged, purchases are made, causes are begun […]

Mobile Banking Security – Trustable? Advanced? Safe? Take a Deep Dive
In this digital era, Mobility is everything for everyone. As technology is improving constantly, individuals become more attached to the computing devices in their ordinary life. There is a high ratio of users who are using their mobile for the internet usage. Whether its bill payment, banking transactions or any other activity, mobile apps are […]

Microsoft To Get Xamarin to Enhance Cross-Platform Development Technology
As the role of mobile devices in the life of individuals is extending like never before, mobile app developers have become a powerful strength for software development. Microsoft is going to take a step further and buys Xamarin – Cross platform development technology, which empowers developers to craft apps for any of the devices. Developers […]