All posts by admin

Angular vs React Differences – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Which one is better, Angular or React? It is a question both beginners and senior developers will eventually have to deal with if they want to keep pace with the ever-evolving world of web development. The choices for front-end development frameworks became highly competitive. Developers often opt for Angular or React out of many available […]

Immensely proud to receive the “ICT CITIZEN CONNECT AWARD” for transforming public services

KCCI – The Knowledge Chamber of Commerce and Industry has organised IT Awards-2022, concurrent with the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD) on July 29, 2022, at GOA, India. It is supported by,  DST (Department of Science and Technology)   GIL (Gujarat Informatics Ltd.) GTA (Goa Technology Association)  ILA (International Legal Alliance)  GCCI […]

Mera Agra App: One-stop solution for Grievances & Services at the fingertips of the Agra people

To register complaints of cleanliness, sewer, water, potholes, tax, street light, electricity etc., in Agra city, the Municipal Corporation has launched the ‘Mera Agra’ mobile app.  Using this app, you can get information about all the facilities of the Municipal Corporation, as well as register complaints. The full details of the registered complaints are visible […]

Technology Trends to Digitize 2022 – What Will Be The Major Innovations?

In 2022, we will keep experiencing accelerated growth of digitization and virtualization of industries and society. Covid-19 will continue to drive change. However, the need for sustainability, ever-increasing data volume, speed of computing networks, etc. can be the leading drivers for a digital revolution. We will definitely continue to leverage the new openness, agility, flexibility, […]

What is Firebase? How to build a Cloud Firestore database successfully?

Trying to manage your business data within a spreadsheet is pretty annoying. Whether you are a small marketing agency monitoring leads in Google Spreadsheets, an entrepreneur keeping thousands of data rows in Excel, or your range anywhere in between – data management can get sloppy and disordered.  As the database starts increasing, you quickly face […]

How to create a successful online business through mobile apps

One of the key reasons for the enormous growth of hand-held devices, especially smartphones, is the availability of different mobile apps offering intelligent features and user-centric services. Mobile applications are more likely to invade each field of everyone’s life as well as business.  The advancement of smart devices and mobile app development technologies has transformed […]

Mobile App Development Company – How to Hire the Best One

Having a customized mobile app is imperative in today’s mobile-driven market. Mobile apps are becoming an integral part of almost each and every business. Various industries have already benefited by building Mobile applications for their brands. When organizations have an online presence, it is pretty convenient for them to boost their revenue.  If you want […]