Blockchain in Marketing

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum; these are the buzzwords utilizing in each single business nowadays. Every entrepreneur wants to learn about how blockchain technology is disrupting businesses’ marketing strategies. However, there are also many groups having no idea what blockchain can deliver with its incredible power in plenty of other verticals.

When it comes to marketing, this distributed ledger technology can assist in advertising budgets and change the way professional marketing entrepreneurs are functioning every day. Authorities predict that 2018 will be a huge year for blockchain as the technology is controlling a wide range of present industries.

Source: Enterprise Blockchain Summary – Coindesk, pg 90. – Tractica

What does the upsurge of the blockchain technology mean for digital marketing? An absence of transparency is a hurdle usually confronted by a number of marketers. Decentralization based application has the power to change the tactic in which digital advertisements are acquired, targeted and valued. A distributed nature of the blockchain technology assures more precise tracking of ads, thereby resulting in improved incomes for the businesses in each corner of the world.

Like other evolving technologies, it is quite early to completely understand how blockchain will influence marketing. It has the aptitude to remove the need for middleman in digital marketing and advertising. The blockchain technology is delivering complete transparency so brands will easily build trust with consumers.

Traditional system charges marketers a lot of money and frauds publishers when it comes to revenue. As stated by Forrester, almost 56% of totally display advertisement dollars were gone to fake or unviewable inventory during the year of 2016. The blockchain can generate a transparency that is needed for marketing greatly by blocking bot traffic and look after brands from unsavory content.

Advertising and marketing technology will benefit heavily from the blockchain. There are many centralized applications of the technology and many DAOs have been established this year. The industry’s challenges include transparency, security, waste, fraud, and siloed segmentation.”

– Kristoffer Nelson, Chief Operations Officer at SRAX.

Let’s take a look at how marketers can leverage best out of the Blockchain Technology.

  • Avoid the same ad from being served again to everyone, and assure the best frequency.
  • Confirm ad delivery by verifying that an actual person sees advertisements for the contractually bound period.
  • Confirm engagement and performance with offered advertisements.
  • Endow customers for offering clear data like personally recognizable info, interests as well as buying plans.
  • Delivering customers a transparent look at how his or her data has been used by the advertiser.
  • Payment to producers, tech firms, agencies, contractors, as well as others who should be reimbursed for the formation, delivery, or performance of the advertisements.
  • Pay customers for the usage of their implied data, like behavioral or psychographic data.
  • Endow customers for contributing fresh content to an advertiser’s campaign.
  • Assure an ad or content has been authorized by suitable parties before running it.
  • Payment to customers for utilizing their content that they have formed already, like photos/videos of any brand.
  • Deliver customers an understanding of how a marketer utilizing data in aggregation.
  • Mandatory attribution for ads regarding politics, with verification needed before executing.
  • Assure only existing agency/vendor employees have accessibility to their particular customer’s data with appropriate allowed rights.
  • Examine and validate any as well as each single contract.
  • Storage of digital assets as another option to cloud hosting.
  • Authenticate email delivery, and tracking of exchange of messages among marketers and their targeted viewers.
  • As marketers make use of the blockchain technology to reduce spamming and hacking, utilize that security as a marketable advantage.
  • Generate an auditable track for agencies’/contractors’ insurance policies.

Agencies can precisely estimate the number of real customers who express interest in an actual product. Bots and appointed clickers are no longer keep engaged in a calculation of the definite value of a campaign. Because of the secure as well as a transparent structure of distributed technology, organizations can check out if the persons viewing their advertisements are real possible consumers or bots.

The blockchain technology has a feature to reduce the need for middlemen. i.e., presently, a majority of the companies’ like Facebook and Google have revenue from being middlemen to marketing or advertisement content. The decentralized system which is not just able to store personal information with great security but also enabling organizations to directly target customers without suffering from high costs of a central authority/middleman.

Just like other sectors, even the marketing industry can leverage from distributed technologies’ ability to perform as a transparent ledger. It tracks precisely about how its investment in digital advertising is being managed. The blocks of a chain can deliver perfect data about how and for which intents the investments have been used. Thus, it is advantageous for organizations by enabling proper audit expenses.