Category Archives: IoT

Digital Transformation – The New Era for Business Simplification

Are you planning to revolutionize your business by leveraging the best out of advanced technologies? Learn how it is optimizing business processes to keep pace with the digital future. Digital transformation is probably one of the haziest terms in the professional world. Many are still struggling to get a clear picture. Is it about keeping […]

What are the pain points addressed by IoT in Healthcare?

IoT and Healthcare are going hand in hand nowadays. With the help of IoT in the healthcare system, physicians and patients come closer for automated and efficient monitoring of day-to-day work activities. IoT is improving the patients’ and providers’ experience by eliminating the ratio of errors generated in clinical processes. According to Deloitte, the internet of medical […]

Why Introduce IoT in the Healthcare Sector?

Prior to IoT, doctors and patients interact through phone calls, text messages, or face-to-face visits. There is no other option for the doctors to monitor their patients on a timely basis and to suggest necessary health-relevant steps. Nonetheless, the transformation of IoT in healthcare has drastically changed the scenario. It has empowered healthcare providers to offer supreme […]

Examples of IoT Streamlining Healthcare Sector Worldwide

In the new age of the remote healthcare system, IoT is enabling digital ways for medical treatment, especially after the pandemic. The IoT-connected devices and sensors are transforming medical care like never before. IoT in healthcare mitigates the troubles of medical professionals and facilitates patients to be treated at the comfort of their homes without visiting […]