7 Essential Features Your Enterprise App Must-Have
Mobile enterprise applications upsurge the output by empowering clients, partners as well as employees to finish the tasks wherever, whenever. With the exponential increment in employees who are utilizing their personal smart devices while in the environment of office, more organizations are into executing BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs in order to permit them to utilize their cell phones and other gadgets to work with business applications. Which characteristics an enterprise should consist of in its mobile applications? Here are few features listed below that each enterprise must have for the success of mobile app.
Fantastic Touch
A mobile application that necessitates a keyboard as well as mouse to utilize the functionalities of device is missing what’s really important and misusing the benefit of being mobile. Mobile applications should be applications usable, immediate and put the least amount of burden on the client’s attention. This is the thing that touch brings to the great applications in the business sector.
Responsive Design
Responsive applications adjust their design layout dynamically as per the screen dimensions of the particular gadget they are running on. The smart and smooth way to construct responsive applications needs a development platform that delivers an automatically responsive user interface model and produces an optimized experience on every smart device from a solitary code base so you don’t need to stress over the details.
Able to Work offline
The truth of being mobile is that it must have an ability to work in the offline mode. Mobile applications that can’t work in offline mode are actually squandering the value of mobility in the market place.
User feedback
Incredible mobile applications ought to have the capacity to ask the client to rate or comment on the features and abilities and additionally track client’s behaviour to deliver insight into ways the application is utilized and can be improved. In this way, organizations can constantly enhance their applications to convey the best esteem to the world.
Single source
The unsophisticated and expensive approach to accomplish cross-platform support is to port your application to each focused platform’s local development environment. This implies you will have a version for iOS, an alternate for android, yet an alternate for each web browser, etc. An awesome mobile application has a development environment that supports every target platform and handles varying screen sizes and features with one source – making responsive, nimble development realism in a cross-platform and mobile world.
Mobile applications must be effectively updateable not only to fix bugs as well as incorporate client feedback and deliver enhanced features and functionalities. These upgrades ought to be anything but difficult to actualize across all the platform and smart devices available in the market.
Application customization may be as straightforward as permitting the client to choose a skin or as unpredictable as permitting the application’s menu to be redesigned. This matters because what meets expectations in the field is typically not precisely what was planned for, and successful organizations need to be agile and adjustable, which need that their applications have to be just as adaptable. Applications should also support customization to backing the unique features of every gadget type, whether it would be Android or iOS.
Recognizing the right enterprise app store will help to convey associations closer to workers by making an employee friendly work environment. The app store will boost employee productivity and inspiration by utilizing apps that facilitates a smoother work process. Applications that are considered a win bring quality, use the device characteristics users are familiar with, and can react quickly to dynamic business processes and changes in technology. Fruitful mobile applications not only convey ROI based on expanded efficiencies, but they also make solid client reliability and eagerness for the quality that IT brings.
Want To Influence Customers To Download Your Application?
Without a doubt mobile applications are the most recent trend in the domain of programming technology which has deserted its whole potential set of competitors by a fortunate margin. In this manner, the most difficult challenge that a new contestant in the realm of mobile application confronts today is of sufficiently increasing visibility. If you hammering the audience too much regarding a particular product, it doesn’t constantly result in increased interest but it causes frustration. This is the reason why appropriate marketing approach should be attentive on not pushing the product but dragging the potential clients gently and little by little.
Catching the wanted downloads can be done by following several methods out of which some good methods are mentioned below.
Write a Blog that outshine amongst all
Pick any current topic and write a blog on it which serves useful information to the world. People always keep noticing good writing. You have to write something extraordinary that is attention snatching and worth to share. Reader value insights and opinions and these add to your product’s credibility. Make sure that all the relevant links for downloading the application ought to be present in proper working mode.
Expand your presence to other blogs
When you are writing on your own blog, it can require some time to assemble a reader base. To make a readership for your blog it’s essential to improve your name and importance as a tech writer. To accomplish that start, contribute to websites that works in the same domain. This will help you to expand your presence even if your blog is at a developing stage.
Slideshare is best to utilize
Make sure that your slides are rich in visualization to represent it in front of users and less in content while formulating it to upload in the slide share. Simulate a situation where you are displaying those slides in front of your clients and build up the material as needs be. Keep experience of your journey as an entrepreneur and discuss something awesome within the category of your application or simply rework your blogs as presentations.
Contribute on social platforms vastly
Quora is a vital social networking platform where you can test your product from the frequency of discussions whether it has been able to make a buzz amongst the technologically aware customers or not. You will likewise get to know feedback on your product if individuals have officially begun to utilize it. The possibilities are endless if you concentrate on furnishing your clients with value and not force-selling your application.
Make appropriate use of social media networks
The benefit of social networking lies in the point that it’s inexpensive to endorse and at the same time undeniably widespread among your target audience. These networks deliver an extraordinary tool and medium to promote your own content as well as outstanding content that your prospective clients may need to read.
Gather reviews from experts
Arise with a list of expert publics and pitch the usability of your application with an expanded reasonability. Attempt to go deeper as these purchasers are serious downloaders and they will judge usability of every single feature that you have. When you get a positive feedback from these sorts of groups you can utilize that proposal as a promoting tool amongst other nearly less aware group of clients.
Make utilization of these approaches to assist you for assembling credibility and impact your potential client’s behaviour even before they get to your download page.
Is It Worthy To Value Your Facebook Likes And Twitter Followers On Social Media?
Many companies make use of objective numbers like Facebook likes and twitter followers to measure their success in online market. Do these much likes and followers really effective for any business’s online existence? Have a look.
It’s actually significant to have an on-going existence on social media because customer connections construct dominant marketing openings. It is also important to be accessible and available for successful businesses. However, it’s always surprising when any organization’s marketing team concentrates only on the technique of increasing more and more Facebook likes and twitter followers rather than captivating online audiences or getting individuals through the door. This is the situation which truly happens in today’s reality constantly.
It’s a smart thought to go for high quality followers, however if you concentrating on gathering absolute numbers is just a waste of time and utilizing this as key metric for achievement is a distraction. Having thousands of social networking followers is not so much indicative of engaging online presence and may not be attempting to your association’s advantage at all.
If you have thousands of Facebook likes and twitter followers it doesn’t mean that you have completely succeeded in your business. Social media is about captivating with your viewers, expanding brand attentiveness and delivering value to the guests who land upon your Facebook page and Twitter profile. Online marketing and networking is about corresponding with your crowd in a two-way dialog and using that communication to help meet your marketing targets.
We live in a universe of enormous information now. There are metrics and numbers behind each and everything. This information can let you know that Facebook gets the most engagements on weekends. So Fridays and Saturdays are the best days to make posts. This information can likewise let you know that most re-tweets come between 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. every day consistently. Once you begin to understand how much really profitable data the numbers can serve, we need to begin utilizing those to our benefits and improvement.
Yet, the number of likes and followers you have in your social media is just 50% of the story. The real question anyone looking to run an online networking campaign ought to be asking themselves is “Have I got the right kind of twitter followers and Facebook likes for what I’m expecting to attain?” Through any promotion, the foremost metric of achievement that you should try to attempt whether your campaign really accomplishing the desired objective or not. This goal could be expanding the number of hits to a site.
It may happen that individuals are following your social network posts without really following or connecting with you. You might found that individuals read your posts or tweets when others follow you or make remark on what you have composed or even impart it with their own connections. Genuine social networking achievement is more about engagement and less about the popularity challenge. If you don’t deliver content in your social media efforts, you are going to battle giving worth. If somebody visits a Facebook page that looks exactly as it did five months prior, the possibilities of they will not return on your site will be expanded as well as they will also not look further at you or your brand.
Social media is an upward fight that doesn’t simply appear into extreme success overnight. You can’t disregard social media. Tweeter and Facebook are setting down deep roots, so get used to it and grasp it. Integrate social media with your website to connect long term with your visitors as well as to permit them to share and endorse your content to their own network. Good content would surely fetch more likes and followers. Look at the numbers into your past within your actual online networking record. Look at real translations to fresh leads, new clients and repeat client’s purchases or connection. It will definitely help you.
If you haven’t yet involved with social media, this is the ideal opportunity to get involved with. Just keep in mind one thing that not every Internet Marketing consultant is honest and fair or even sufficiently educated to deliver social media advertising. One individual who trusts in your organization is worth far more than one million individuals who don’t.
Source: http://bit.ly/1vVL755
iPhone Application Development: Booming Opportunities For Branding
Usually iPhone is advantageous to the consumers compare to other smart devices exist in the market as it comprises vying and impeccable features for easiness in the daily routine as well as brand boosting. Take a look exactly how this happen.
By inaugurating iPhone as a smart phone, Apple has reformed the way users use mobile devices. With the growing popularity of Apple phones, the necessity of iPhone Application Developers who are crafting far-fetching apps also increased. Small and large business owners have delighted by the Applications on this medium on the go. They feel significant and noteworthy profit margin in their businesses using this medium.
Apple is completely strict and severe to preserve its high quality and its power over the market. It very easily got succeeded to win the trust of million users all around the globe and this is the key reason why iPhone is the topmost selling product in the market. If you take a look, you would found that iPhone is considered much more than simply a calling device now a day. It encompasses all the innovations regarding hot technologies which can accomplish massive tasks and assist as an extension which would be helpful as one’s personal, business and social networking prerequisites.
iMOBDEV Technologies have fully-fledged developers for customized iPhone Applications Development which cannot deliver the desires of numerous business vendors, but also assist mobile users with an extensive variety of applications ranges between very complex to easy going.
Additionally, if you expected to enhance your items through iterative iPhone application development iPhone clients are profoundly dynamic and quality seekers so you can get great comment from them. You can present new touch based UI components with complex yet far reaching associations in your applications and offer dynamic systems to guide your clients relevantly.
For Business clients, the iPhone gives variety of applications which are appointed towards helping organizations to become and furnishing individual clients with an opportunity to direct business while sitting at their own homes.
As now, we realize that our iPhone Application Development can get quality gathering of people in form of iPhone users with solid client holds and far reaching use. At other hand, you can get phenomenal working framework and brilliant applications in reward to do your image growths. In this way, iPhones application development is the most proper approach for your image to help your business in contrasted with other versatile stages.
For a purchaser who is continually driving to distinctive zones for individual purposes or business trips- the iPhone’s Customized applications give GPS and geo-area particularities intended to give significant peacefulness. For a worker and an ambitious person, collection of customized Applications composed at climbing up the gainfulness can be seen these days. Alongside this- other iPhone Applications intended to give utility esteem and additionally simplicity of use are likewise made accessible to a massive worldwide people.
To do compelling marketing, you have to have magnificent iPhone Application Development team alongside successful marketing approaches. iMOBDEV Technologies have such human assets with enough skill to make your illustrations and UI components adjustable to your image. We have experts to choose astounding marketing experience and leave no hint of objection while your clients are accomplishing their objectives in your iPhone applications.
We give superb advances in iPhone application programming by utilizing our standard and greatest encoding observes. Our supportive network is prepared to tackle your issues without squandering a minute and alter your issues by overcoming obstructions of time, separation, and specialized skill.
Source: http://bit.ly/1DvNH0H
Top 8 Hottest Mobile App Development Trends For 2015
What does the falling year 2015 hold for Mobile App Development Trends? We are revealed some astounding and dazzling trends for IT developers to be aware about in the promising New Year 2015. It would be surely attention-grabbing to recognize that what 2015 will carry for the Mobile Application Developers.
Why enterprise apps getting more expensive and complex in 2015? What is going to be happening with the big data stored in the database? How should developers work with the upcoming tendencies of Mobile Application Development? As the end of the year 2014 is near, everyone is observing for the 2015 that which kind of alterations they can perceive in the Mobile Development industry.
Each and every year we perform analysis and collect the data to showcases the main Mobile App Development trends for the subsequent year. The key objective is to provide you visions into what these trends may mean for you. In this column we are going to deliberate about certain huge trends in the mobile application industry that will assist you to craft dynamic and sparkling applications at a persistently quicker rate. So, let’s take a look on all these trends of 2015.
1. HTML5– Highly prioritized for superb Mobile App Development
During past few years, HTML5 has multiplied its popularity worldwide on the cyberspace as a well-established and robust development platform. HTML5 is offering swifter and far-fetched services that are necessary to generate and deliver stunning applications. It is fully loaded with power packed features and functionalities and this is the reason of its active acceptance in the IT industry.
2. Applications for each and everything
Absolutely, there would be apps and apps for everything. Now days the relationship between customer and vendor is very neighbouring. Thus application provider undoubtedly recognizes what their clients want. Application has been designed precisely for a specific crowd of society likewise age, gender, occupation etc. Many applications are there in the market which builds on the basis of specific requirements of particular group.
3. Role of Mobile applications to be reputed in the market
On the basis of location and interests, enterprises will be able to touch out their customers through mobile apps due to the evolution in smartphones industry. Far-fetched functionalities will deliver sufficient superiority to the advertising procedures of the business. Through the more mutual understanding and cooperation between the marketing team and app developers, company can make its communication better with the customers which directly affects to the reputation of the company in the market.
4. Many fresh OS to craft stunning apps
Apple’s iOS and Android, these are the two mobile operating systems which rules over the market in the current scenario while blackberry and windows are still struggling. But it may happen that many other new OSes gain huge acceptance in the upcoming year’s application market. Mobile Ubuntu OS, Firefox OS, Tizen and Sailfish are some of the good examples of OSes which had succeeded to achieve the reputation.
5. Meteor is about to get fame in the marketplace
Now, Meteor is one application framework which is achieving very good popularity in the market. In the falling year this framework will get the consideration of many more operators because of its power packed amenities. It delivers real time UI updates effortlessly and everyone can easily catch this framework which is extremely fruitful and humble to work with.
6. Applications for Devices which are Wearable
The year 2014 is witness for how Google and Apple fix the platform for competition between different wearable and ecosystems. This is going to be more serious in the falling year 2015. Programmers have to perform hard work to deliver magnificent applications for wearable devices. In today’s market we can see the wearable devices like Samsung Galaxy Gear Smart watch, Google Glass, Sony Smart watch and Pebble and iWatch by Apple.
7. Mobile apps for commercial forecasting
Mobile applications plays vital role in the growth of output and proficiency of an organizations. There will be better stability among time, cost and performance of mobile applications. Companies will show more interest and eagerness to hold application development as an essential part.
8. More safe and hurdles free Mobile payment
In 2015, payments through mobiles will become much safer and easier. Apple pay is the recent launch in this field which is expected to be more popular in 2015. Apple pay depends on NFC, and it is very easy to get involved with. Authorization of thumb impression is necessary if you want to confirm your transaction and the purchase. It is extremely safe stage because it makes use of tokenization procedure instead of sending the authentic card information.
So, aforementioned are some of the falling trends of 2015 that will continue forming the mobile application industry to an extraordinary level. So which pattern would you say you are going to take after? You can impart your perspectives on it by commenting below and let us know is there anything that we fail to include?
One thing is beyond any doubt: 2015 will think of exciting new open doors in Mobile Application Development Industry!
Source: http://bit.ly/1NREOWv
Want To Raise Mobile Game Development Revenue? This Is How iMOBDEV Technologies Serve You
Greatest source for receiving decent revenue and exploiting the client’s engagement is Mobile Game Development. Due to vast usage and demand of the smart devices it’s for sure that you need to be assure about your business growth and to fulfil your essentials give priority to develop cross platform mobile games. Get yourself scheduled with iMOBDEV Technologies to grab the astonishing gaming experience.
In today’s gaming industry Mobile Game Development is absolutely a booming trade, where the achievement is governed by delivering something extraordinary and ground-breaking to the clients. Development of iPhone and Android games delivers good scope of various opportunities as well as ensures optimal revenue. Experts give estimation that the jobs concerning the gaming will highly increase in the industry of Mobile games and applications development by the next 5 years.
Development of games for smartphones is a completely different from the conventional application development. Constructing and designing a game is not just about coding and creating attractive renders. It’s not about having stimulating stories and well imaginative scenes. It is the combination of all these things and much more.
The uses of smart devices are increasing day by day as people want to access all the global information through the different applications installed on the several devices. Any age group found gaming as a preeminent home of amusement. Now a day’s procedure of game development is becoming very innovative and advanced, that’s why the task of developing powerful games for the smart devices becomes a very smooth and simple.
iMOBDEV Technologies is a buzz word when it comes to Mobile Game Development company. The company strongly holds the expertise in the development of feature packed and user friendly games which support all platforms available on the cyberspace. The each and every office personals is expert enough to understand the prerequisites described by the esteemed customers and start the procedure of project development accordingly, whatsoever be the category of game customers need.
In the gaming enterprise, customer’s perspective matters a lot. If you want to attract more number of users, your first thing to keep in mind is the designing. You need to design a user friendly and eye catchy User Interface first. Don’t rush to begin composing code for your game. Take your time enough to think what your game is all about. Keep all the things as simple and easy to understand as possible. Stay focused by using your time wisely and then starts coding procedure.
Why to choose iMOBDEV Technologies for your Mobile Games Development? We proved ourselves as a leading and well renowned company for the development of mobile games and applications. Our developers have proficiency to develop amazing games as per user’s demand which is totally comfortable on all the available platform. Our user centric tactic guarantees that we use the finest available tools and technologies to generate picture-perfect development of games.
We had satisfactory delivered hundreds of games till the date which have been reached to thousands of users on the cyberspace. What is a game without beautiful visuals that is breath taking and creates a smile on your face with every riffle of a finger?
After we are in game development, we do not far from creating complex games development. Our significant learning, specialized intuition and years of involvement in this arena pushes us forward to acknowledge new difficulties and convey game applications that are genuinely, amazing!
So leave hesitation far away and shoot your inquiries to us. We will return punctually with finest possible choice that perfectly addresses your game development prerequisites. Contact us today.
Source: http://bit.ly/1fQLWV8
10 WordPress Web Development & Blogging Facts You Should Recognize
Go through the most prominent and effective Content Management System (CMS) for the web development, renowned as a “Wordpress” which manages contents effortlessly and make your development more and more responsive to the users.
In the past few years WordPress has been progressed as a complete Content Management System (CMS) but still sometimes it may happen that individuals misunderstand WordPress as just a simple blogging platform. To draw your content and blogging concerning experience satisfying and expedient, this ultimate software has been intended and it is also packed with a bunch of far-fetched amenities. Over 60 million websites are using WordPress web development services which show its outstanding popularity on the cyberspace.
Why people choose WordPress for web development without searching for it?
Did you ever think why WordPress have lion’s share on the platform of online market compare to Joomla and Drupal? How WordPress differs from the already existing additional Content Management Systems? As per my personal experience I can say that WordPress CMS comes with several features as well as thousands of plugins and it avails you with the complete flexibility to extend the customized plugins in any way. While using it I feel it’s very smooth and follows very easy to understand methodology. Well experienced WordPress developer Mr. Dave says”
” WordPress delivers good documentation with a bunch of inbuilt functions that makes it simple to design almost any website. Very easy to setup and configure as admin, simple to update for a user.”
Let’s have a quick look over the striking features that showcasing WordPress as a perfect choice for website development.
- WordPress is packed with so many superb Plug-ins which are downloaded and configured perfectly for the purpose to get an amazing experience while using it.
- Numerous web hosting companies deliver Automatic Installation of WordPress site that means you have new website start running within five minutes. It is hardly take an hour even if you perform the task of manual installation.
- Menu configuration and media handling are good examples to showcase that WordPress is completely loaded with Amazing Features and functionalities.
- Like plug-ins, thousands of WordPress Themes are also available and many of them are absolutely free of cost. You can be delightful by its look and feel without paying a single rupee.
- Did you make selling of your products directly from the website? WordPress make it very simple and Easy to Monetize.
- Advertisements of your products are simply introduced using Different Widgets as well as eCommerce can be controlled by a variety of plugins containing the eminent WooCommerece.
- Top communicators in the world can effortlessly make use of Business Model comprises by WordPress. This business model is stronger than the others encompass by different CMSs.
- If one can find any difficulty, millions of people are using WordPress and they are always ready to help you out from your problem. Community Support delivered by WordPress is awesome.
- WordPress is SEO Friendly by providing far-fetched facilities like SEO friendly URLs and other outstanding plug-ins like Google XML sitemap and All-in-one SEO pack. With this you can definitely preserve good SEO strategy and maintain your site in Google organic search results. It may also help you with SEO aspects.
- WordPress is a powerful choice for a new website and an obvious choice for a new blog. It remains a Great Blogging Platform around.
It’s quite useful to take a quick look and get informed about the WordPress.com and WordPress.org, as we are now talking about the WordPress.WordPress.com is a completely free to use hosted platform for the blogging. It’s very easy to get started with it. You face some restrictions with the WordPress.com blogs such as you are not permitted to set banner advertisements even if you can use associated links to make money endorsing products. Sign up to third-party networks such as Google AdSense is also not allowed. You can use only limited number of plug-ins and advanced Themes.
WordPress.org is tremendous source for “do it yourself” site owners. It makes use of the same framework but structured on your own web hosting space. Blog of WordPress.org is totally your own and you are completely free for advertisement and you can play with it as per your necessities. Without any restrictions you can add or modify core PHP, make addition of fancy jQuery elements, use themes you like the most or install any plug-ins of your wish.
If you have decided to move your site, WordPress make it smooth to move all of your content without losing your website traffic. It’s also possible to transfer your followers! WordPress is a very good script to create a simple website. It is one of the simplest to use among all extra solutions available on the internet. Go with The Ultimate WordPress Guide For Beginners.
You must recognize exactly what you need to do with your online business existence, if you want to take the decision that WordPress is right choice for you or not. Consider all the features and functionalities delivered by the WordPress as a CMS. The chances are very high that you like the WordPress for Plug-ins and Themes development as well as to satisfy your other prerequisites.
Do let us identify which platform would you suggested for online business Website? WordPress or anything different? What extra advantages of WordPress, you can consider?
Source: http://bit.ly/1JvYFaA
Joomla Is The Buzz Word When It Comes To CMS
Joomla Development Services! Is pretty much suitable for any purpose like: website for education, multimedia, business, charity, etc. Joomla is greatly chosen by the SME’s and corporates for its instinctive admin section as well as supports wide range of operational and support transactions of e-business.
Joomla- Recognized as one of the worlds’ greatest open source Content Management Systems (CMS) used for website to blogs, blogs to custom apps and custom apps to intranets. Joomla is extremely favoured Content Management System for the generation of dynamic webpages. It is free to use and formed in PHP as well as packed with thousands of extensions and modules that permit it to do nearly everything you need a CMS to do.
iMOBDEV Technologies A Joomla Website Development Company is all about delivering finest outcomes to customers at very affordable price as well as in specified time frame. To make all the services and solutions very desirable, team working very hardly and dedicatedly. The developers deliver great Joomla web Development Services and customization. The procedure of Joomla Development contains tactical customization, newest component as well as extensions development. If you have already existing Joomla website or templates and you are looking for any guidance, you can take help from the services delivered by iMOBDEV Technologies.
Highly professional Joomla Website Developers make a huge variance in the quality of projects conveyed by team of iMOBDEV Technologies. Professionals have deep understanding of the business logic as well as CMS platform to develop Joomla websites, templates as well as Modules/Extensions. iMOBDEV Technologies is a globally trusted Joomla Website Development Company. The company has well esteemed ISO 9001:2008 certification.
The involvement and proficiency provided by iMOBDEV Technologies is excessive and once you hired any expert, you will be assured that the method towards the project would be extreme dedication and the customer will be served with the exact expected outcomes. The skills and knowledge associated with them is top notch and they have an amazing experience in Joomla Templates, design implementation, module configuration and website maintenance using Joomla. Developers are consistent contributors to the vibrant Joomla community.
“We do believe that open source software speed up the developing process of custom components, extensions, plug-ins, templates, CLI- and Web Applications. It is an amazing experience to get involved with,”
said CEO Deepak Patel.
The knowledge of the team members supports the customers at all time and all cost, apart from delivering such specialized level outcomes for their customers. Their expertise is very wide as well as has in-depth knowledge of linguistic codes, that’s why they derived up in a period of very less time with services and solutions to solve the problems without any hurdles.
Little bit about iMOBDEV Technologies:
iMOBDEV Technologies is all about the astonishing experience in Web, Mobile Applications and eCommerce development arena. The expert programmers are talented enough to work very professionally. All the Joomla projects and templates developed by iMOBDEV Technologies are follow all the guidelines of w3c standards and through such information our Joomla services and solutions are superb. For more info concerning the company and our solutions, take a look at our official portfolio.
Source: http://bit.ly/1NDH6cK
Magento: Mostly Recommended For eCommerce Web Development
Building eCommerce store is not just about the development of store only; it is all about caring your online business. Definitely, Magento is rising as one of the best platforms when it comes to eCommerce business. As a very well renowned and most trusted name for the development of eCommerce websites, Magento Web Development is massively used term. Just because of its tremendous features Magento becomes top favoured Content Management System (CMS) for numerous eCommerce businesses. Magento developers always advice you to go with this CMS If you want to develop eCommerce store.
Have you ever questioned why Magento’s growth is very rapid? Why Magento preferred mostly for eCommerce web development? Why Magento is always recommended for any eCommerce store? Let’s take a look to its marvelous benefits and reasons to make use of it.
A little bit about Magento for eCommerce Web Development
- Perfect for eCommerce
Magento introduced as a eCommerce platform where as other content management platform such as WordPress, Drupal and Joomla had offered for the plugins of eCommerce. Key features that Magento delivers for eCommerce are user dashboards, Inventory Management, CMS options, segmentation of customers, allows bundling of products, advanced supplier and shipping management, new letters, built in up-sell and cross sell capabilities etc. - Enhanced Browsing Options
Advanced features like, various pictures of an item, zoom-in capacity, product reviews these are the things that makes Magento easy to use and completely user-friendly. It improves the shopping experience as everything is intended to suit the nature of the clients. - Great for SEO
Another key area that any business needs is marketing. We all know that how important it is to make SEO friendly website. Magento already serves you with SEO optimized URLs, meta tags, meta description, URL rewrites, site maps and many more. Magento provides source code with all these features and functionalities which save your time and still provide assurance that your website is search engine friendly. By default, Magento delivers search engine friendly services and solutions but the main thing to do is enabling the URL rewriting in Magento SEO. - Liberty to Select Hosting Service
Magento allows you to select the hosting service as per your choice. This holds your expenses down and offers you the adaptability of exchanging hosting services if you run into issues with your current one. - Easy To Integrate Third Party Apps
Integrating third party applications are completely under the control of the service provider in the other eCommerce platforms. You can only integrate the applications which the service provider allows you to integrate. Magento’s extensive API permits you to attach to any plugins simply. So find the application of your choice and plug it into your Magento eCommerce website. - One backend system to run multiple sites
With the help of Magento platform you can easily run multiple websites on the same joint backend system. Each and every website definitely contains different designs and layouts within their own store. You can control and manage all of them simultaneously through a single admin panel. This ability is an advantageous for eCommerce businesses that control in multiple categories. - Easy Ordering Options
If you want to gain better ROI, you have to serve your esteemed users with the easy and simple ordering options. Magento Website Development permits you to edit, generate, view and fulfil different orders from the admin panel. CMS offers several things from multiple invoices to mailing addresses. History of user’s transactions can also be viewed by the users very easily. - Flexible and Customizable
In eCommerce businesses have different shapes and sizes. The scale of operations, client service necessities etc. create different challenges in the environment of eCommerce. Magento is tremendously customizable open source platform which permits you to craft pretty front end client experience by changing or plugging in designs and patterns of your choice. Back end’s flow of work can be restructured which is best suited for your business. - Infinite Themes
Magento eCommerce Development services deliver unlimited themes through which you can catch any desired appearance, any template and customize your eCommerce store as per your necessities. It also allows you to swap a permanent store design and a temporary season specific designs. You load multiple themes if it best suits your business.Here is the best store for free and paid 400+ Magento themes & templates. - Manage Multiple Stores
The key feature of Magento is it permits access of more than one store from a single admin panel. If you run multiple stores or run a single store, management of it becomes very simple and easy with the one-click solutions. With Magento web Development, you can also have different domain name, IP addresses and security certificates. - Really speedy
The web users of today’s arena expect that the website take only 2 seconds to load. If the loading time is more than this, than they close the tab and move on. But with the use of Magento platform you can easily cash your pages, process your queries and load pages faster sufficient to gratify your annoyed customers. - Does not punish for Rising Better
Users constantly have complaints of the incremental cost which comes with every little feature which added to the website. But being an open source, Magento solve this issue. You can add as many features as you want without any cost. You can expand and make growth of your business as much as you like and Magento will grow with you without any additional expenses. - Simple Checkout Process
In the process of checkout if the webpage appears with the big form in front of the user, than it is enough to destroy your entire eCommerce business in very least time interval. So it is very essential thing for every eCommerce store owner to make sure that they provide their customers with the simple and easy going check out procedure. Magento provides you with different form of checkout process through which you can select as per your choice.
If you have qualitative and excited Magento developers on the desk, the process of Magento eCommerce Web design and development can be a lot of fun. The perfect site of eCommerce is in your hand if developers of Magento understand the nuances of eCommerce Web Development. Make your online business effective with the help of Magento eCommerce Development.
Source: http://bit.ly/1hJ82L4