Tag Archives: Cryptocurrency and FinTech

Crypto Trading in India: Current Scenario

India is leveraging technological advancement with each single update. Cryptocurrency exchanges show no sign of slowing in India. The crypto market has fully-fledged with the expansion of crypto trading platforms from its uncertain level to what it is nowadays.   “Despite the issues that cryptocurrencies face in INR withdrawls, the market is having what we […]

Blockchain in Insurance

Business specialists through plenty of industries are at present dealing with different effects of the blockchain technology. One industry where requiring a decentralized, encrypted, and indisputable ledger of transactions can have a huge influence is ‘Insurance’. Amongst the numerous financial segments, Blockchain technology can transform the insurance industry by systematizing inefficient and traditional insurance methodologies. […]

Blockchain in Finance & Banking

Blockchain technology is disrupting the financial services industry and offers tremendous welfares for banks. Banking sectors were analyzing different ways to share customer details across their company in a safe manner and blockchain distributed ledger technology is a strong nominee. The global finance market is appealing major financial institutions to invest millions of dollars in […]

Blockchain in Marketing

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum; these are the buzzwords utilizing in each single business nowadays. Every entrepreneur wants to learn about how blockchain technology is disrupting businesses’ marketing strategies. However, there are also many groups having no idea what blockchain can deliver with its incredible power in plenty of other verticals. When it comes to marketing, […]