Tag Archives: Mobile App Development

Grab The Glamor Of Augmented Reality Apps & Plan Your Next Move With latest Technology!
“AR (Augmented Reality)” – buzzword in the existing tech ecosystem. Have you heard about it? It is a term noted by so many of us, yet have very less knowledge about it. This emerging technology will have profound impact on businesses. It will definitely change the way we work as well as completely revolutionize how […]

Is It Worth To Value Big Data & App Analytics In Todays & Era for a new competitive advantage?
As IoT and Wearable marketplace enhancing every single day, the demand for application performance tracking, as well as analysis, will increase amongst the leaders in several endeavors. There will be a more focal point on Big Data and Analytics in 2016. Mobile App Developers will keep on focusing on new data collection methodologies in their applications to get bits […]

Enterprise apps showcasing the bright future of your business – Are you all set?
We can say Big business applications are enterprise applications because many people utilize that term to understand the basics. In today’s professional workplace, enterprise apps are complex, versatile, distributed as well as mission-critical. They may deploy on the corporate networks, intranets, or the World Wide Web. But numerous corporate intranets are not well outfitted for […]

Far-Reaching UI/UX With Smashing Apps & Websites Designs For Booming Your Business
Technology simply survives up to its possibilities when it is well designed. In today’s inventive and technical environment, the phrase “Responsive Website Design” are being utilized very frequently like never before. The design of a website is very significant aspect as it impacts how rapidly visitors can discover what they are looking for. Exceptional “UI/UX […]

Treat your mobile app with the best chances to get approved on the app store!
There are a number of apps in the market that get rejected every day on the app store whether its iOS applications or any Android applications. But have you ever worried what is the reasons behind this rejection? What should one need to do to overcome this issue? Is there any particular methodology to follow? Or something else. […]

Mobile App Security updates for iOS & Android – What’s new to experience about latest security changes?
If you take a deep dive into the current Digital Market, you’ll come to know there are a number of mobile devices connected to the Internet and the ratio is endlessly growing day by day. The usage of dedicated mobile apps is also booming and it is totally dominating the usage of mobile internet. Numerous […]

Development Of Android Apps Without The Help Of Servers – What’s Batter In It & What’s not?
Android Operating System is growing enormously on daily basis with its each single update in the technology era. So many companies and organizations are fighting to set their position on the top to deliver stunning services of Android Application Development. This fame of Android shows the freely flowing approach of the OS. When it comes to […]

Microsoft Represents OneNote with Strong Updates for Android, iOS & Desktops
Microsoft introduces variety of new attributes in an update to its highly utilized note-taking application called as “OneNote”. Microsoft has take a decision to make the OneNote application more agile and alive for the Android and iOS devices as well as PCs. The Application offers cross-platform usefulness that makes it appealing and valuable to the […]

Android M is Marshmallow Now: Google Android Update
The saga of Sugary treats continues! Finally google has revealed the name of it’s much awaited Android 6.0 “M” as “Marshmallow”. On seventeenth August, Monday evening, Google has chosen to uncover the name of its most recent Android version. Much the same as it has been done during past time, the fresh Android version also […]

HTML5 vs. Native vs. Hybrid Mobile App Development: Which Platform is More Economical to Build an App?
Should you construct mobile apps in native code on every single platform? Would it be a good idea for you to assemble them in hybrid code, like HTML5 application development? Set in opposition the pros and cons of developing mobile apps natively or with web-based technologies may appear as a useless activity. The scales measuring every […]